Kenny W.

Man opening door to his new apartment.

Overcoming significant challenges, Kenny prioritized his health by accessing medical care at the on-campus Parkland clinic and mental health support through our on-site MetroCare clinic.

Teresa O.

Woman holding laundry basket, as she moves into her new apartment.

With determination and the support of our dedicated staff, she overcame obstacles like obtaining legal documents, finding employment

Allison M.

Woman outside of her new home, after being helped by The Bridge Homeless Recovery Shelter.

She left her physically abusive husband; after he became physically abusive three weeks into their marriage. They became drug addicts together.

Emanuel D.

The Bridge Homeless Recovery Shelter, new graduate from Texas Tech University, holding diploma.

During a time when I was struggling with mental health challenges, family issues, and trauma, The Bridge became a sanctuary for me. While still navigating these difficulties, by God’s grace, I found The Bridge,

Bob H.

Happy man in wheelchair, holding cell phone in new apartment.

He opened up about his journey, from losing his home due to unemployment and a health crisis to facing the harsh realities of homelessness.

Collin S.

Mano opening his front door to his new apartment.

Collin’s progress is remarkable, from sleeping on the streets to finding a place at The Bridge Transitional Shelter.

Rebeca J.

Woman holding groceries for her new home, after being a guest at The Bridge Homeless Recovery Shelter.

With a history of addiction and some past brushes with the law, Rebeca’s determination to change her life for the better shone through.

Ramon T.

Man laying in bed in new apartment.

after his job replaced him while he was on a medical leave of absence due to his diabetes. Ramon could not no longer pay for the room he was renting.

Do you need help overcoming life's challenges?

We offer Day and Night Shelter

  • Meals, Hygiene, Storage, Laundry, Mail, Phones, Barbershop, and Canine Kennel
  • Physical Care, Mental Illness, Services, and Chemical Dependency Help
  • Care Management and Counseling Services
  • Education, Employment, and Income/Benefits Assistance
  • Housing Placement Solutions and Follow-Up Services
  • Criminal Justice Support, and Veteran Services
  • Library, Computer Access, and Art Programs

To be eligible for services at The Bridge, an individual must be homeless, 18 years of age or older.

Government IDs, background checks, and sobriety checks are not required to engage services at The Bridge. Identification is not a requirement to go through an Intake/Triage Assessment and receive services at The Bridge.

Day Shelter Services
6:00AM – 5:00PM

Night Shelter Services
5:00PM – 6:00AM

Guest Intake
(214) 670-1507

7:30AM to 8:30AM

2:00PM to 1:00PM

6:00PM to 7:00PM

Donate to The Bridge

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